Historias de Berlín. Christopher Isherwood

16 de marzo de 2018

4ª sesión. Historias de Berlín, de Christopher Isherwood. Martes  20 de marzo, 18 h. Sala Multiusos de la Biblioteca de Humanidades

El próximo martes 20 de marzo tendrá lugar la 4ª sesión del Club Internacional de Lectura y Pensamiento. En esta sesión hablaremos sobre Historias de Berlín, de Christopher Isherwood. El debate estará moderado por Julio Checa, profesor de Literatura de la UC3M.

In writing Goodbye to Berlin, I destroyed a certain portion of my real past. I did this deliberately, because I preferred the simplified, more creditable, more, exciting fictitious past which I’d created to take its place. Indeed, it had now become hard for me to remember just how things really had happened. I only knew how I would like them to have happened— that is to say, how I had made them happen in my stories. And so, gradually, the real past had disappeared, along with the real Christopher Isherwood of twenty years ago” Christopher. Isherwood

Dosier sobre Historias de Berlín

Categorías: Club de Lectura
